Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years : ]

It will be a new year very soon. Wish you guys all the greatest, and Happy New Years! Btw I have a question for everyone. Please suggest what I should review next for this post. Pick any gun you can think of, and I might do the most popular choice.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

I'm trying to review here!!!

Ok guys I'm going to ruin what the next review will be, but no suprise really, A lot of people want to see it.

I'm doing the M417 CQB! The footage was taken more than.... 5 days ago maybe? The past 3 days at least, I've tried to sit down, and make the commentary for it so I can render the review and upload it, but everytime I sit down to go do it, I've had relatives come over and then I have to entertain their children for hours on end, "3" days in a row this happened (and these were not planned visits, pretty spontaneous, and 1 visit being a group of my friends who I invited to play on our new pool table ahahahaha >_>). Ok longest sentence ever :D. I'd like to make the commentary later at night when people go to bed, but the only problem is my family can hear me if I were to talk, so I'm not going to make a review whispering "Hey guuuyyyss... shhh... Baxstar here with a new review!! M417 CQB wooommg!?!?"

Anyway, I'm going to try and make the commentary right now, because I've got a lot of things to do really soon and I'm trying to this out of my way so I can review other stuff. Normally I wouldn't have blogged this, but it's kind of ticking me off I can't make commentary whenever I try.

Alright until next men (and ladies ; ] ((call me)) ).

- Baxstar

Monday, December 20, 2010

Exams. Are. Over.

Finally. I can't wait to play more CA, although I'm kind of busy during the next week. But that's fine, at least I don't have to study. I'm really excited to play some CA, I've been craving it really bad lol (addicted much >_>). Unfortunately I only get a 2 week break, starting now =\.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I am not dead lol.

I am writing finals everyone! I'm done in less than a week now, around the 21st, so there will be a new video soon enough.

I imagine that people have probably stopped checking my channel for new videos often since i haven't released a video in 3 weeks, but I'll just have to bring that back up I suppose lol.

Hang tight gentlemen and ladies (are there actually any female viewers lol?), new video will be up soon enough : ).

P.S Exams are hard.. Ive finished writing Chemistry and Psychology, now I just have to write Physics tomorrow, and then Calculus and Biology... no pressure........ : (.