Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Combat Arms Update!

Hey guys, Baxstar here. I haven't played CA in like.... more than 2 weeks. I've been trying to concentrate on school, and I've also been playing another game just for fun in between. HOWEVER, I just read this months new updates and; I R HAPPY.

Game Improvements
·     Notes can only be sent to players that you are Friends with in the messenger.
·     Players also have the option to disable Notes from the Options screen.
 ·     Receiving a message from the Messenger will no longer disable the chat bar.

·     Corrected bug where firing Bolt-Action sniper rifles while unzooming the scope caused an unintended unscope action on the next attempt to zoom in.

BEST UPDATEEVER. I'll be playing more soon guys, just really bus y with school, just finished a biology examan dI'm pretty sure i did extremely well. New video soon guys, just sit tight : (.

- Baxstar


  1. Yay!

    good news with that note update, knew it was annoying the Sh*t outa youXD

    i'm a CA Eu player so i cant gift a gun but what about just an ordinary Mp7 :)

    Cheers from Europe


  2. Yay for happy Baxstar!!!!! knew you would be just busy with school work and its awesome you got your note wishes

  3. Yes, I am very happy with all the bug fixes. Hopefully now they can concentrate on hackers, the next big issue. Keep working Bax, because if you don't do good in school, you can't get a good job and then you can't keep up with all the expenses, which forces you to quit CA. LOL, that's a mouthfull. Keep working!

  4. i bought a new mouse for nothing...

  5. Baxstar, you are talking about uni all the time. Don't you have reading week or something?

  6. Bax im happy for you with the notes feature revision. Hopefully nexon gets around to that dumb snd bomb bug where it goes off after a defuse. Thats been there since Beta!!

  7. XD! It's like CA saw ur vid interview wit that guy. Anyways, that was u that I played with on Monday and I let u have my acc. for a review. o god I hope I didn't give it to some1 other than u. Please respond ASAP. Chris-Killer.

  8. Lol, someone at nexon is a bax fan for sure,
    although the notes thing was'nt a big issue for me
    (me not being a huge ca celeb) but the chat interruption thing is a sigh of releif.

    Gl with university,
    you're a great inspiration to me of someone whos smart and pwns noobs :)

  9. Baxstar plz add me on combat arms, i am a 1LT 3 and my name is : xClusiVe_x

  10. Baxstar plz add me on combat ARMS, i am a 1LT(3) and my name is : xClusiVe_x

    -Thank You.

  11. you should do a review on the new map!

  12. hey bax im soo happy for the scope unscope to be fixed now i can kill more noobs with the L9 even though it has terrible accuracy :p

  13. ahahahahah! I can see this patch fixed all of bax's problems! nice patch nexon! ;)

  14. Lol it makes me wonder if they had seen or someone from the nexon forums (namely Kalika) had shown my TRG-21 review to a nexon game developer employee and got some tips at to what the hell is really pissing people off lol.

    Great patch though, the new map looks wonderful : ).

  15. hey bax i was wondering if u have xbox live ive been playing that alot more then i have combat arms and im a fan of yurs and i cnt rlly get a chance to play with u or n e 1 else on there n e more

  16. Bax, teach me physics and chemistry my exaam is next week!!! Physics: total internal reflection, refraction and reflection and waves...for chemistry: metals and properties of the periodic table...LOL that's if u have time, meet on vent? =P Ur friendly clanmate Vaiography

  17. Bax lay off the alcohol your grammar is like intense today! : O

  18. yea that probably happened :D

  19. Just wondering, what is this other game you play?

  20. My grammar was all bad because I was typing on my laptop at school, and for some reason my font colour turned white in the comment box, so I couldn't see what I was typing for the 2nd half of the message. Lol that's why it's terrible :D.

  21. i gotta say i gotta agree with you.
    Nexon is finally fixing those long-time problems.

  22. I love the new update as much as you do. :). New map looks nice, though it's more of a camping map. Keep up the good work at Uni, you've got great potential. Don't let gaming interfere with your academic life. You're studying biology, chemistry etc right? Peace out. =D

  23. HOoray for the XM-8 Review!!! I missed the perm sale tho... :(

  24. Hey Bax, i want to make one suggestion at sniper reviews that will make you agree, u need to review the damage dropoff, i have seen all ur sniper videos but they never help to acknowledge if the gun is good or bad at killcreek, as for example, TPG-1 Pro is a 2hk 50% of the times in killcreek, so its a weapon that i will not bring to game, and i would have known that if you reviewed the damage dropoff in a single killcreek much, would make review 100% more useful...

  25. Bax! Was that u that I gave my acc. for the M590 CQB Mariners? PLEASE respond ASAP!

  26. o to

    for free nx, I made 130k so far

  27. Bax can i plz be ur assistant for combat arms? Please? Add me I'm -ExistForU_!!! Please reply... I really want to be ur assistant >.<

  28. Hello, Baxstar.
    You should review the Caltrops or Satellite Scanner : ]
    Thanks, Dofoo

  29. Baxstar can u accept my friend request and my brothers its ahmed2000 (brother) and speedkilla20 (me) and can you play with us and help us get good like you

  30. Git some and Bax, I want a WOGL rules game >:) with your male base.

  31. hey bax, which one do you like better, the xm8 or g36e valyerie?

  32. Bax lol i want u 2 see this so i posted twice can u accept my friend request and brothers ahmed2000(me) speedkilla20 (brother) and can u play wih us and help us get good and level up fast

  33. Hey baxstar i noticed that BlacK- is recruiting. And im wondering if I could join the clan... My rank is 2LT and my kdr is 1.32. Plz if i can join let me know. My IGN is ralf1234.

  34. hey bax im on nexon eu , canu get on there with some1 elses acc cus if u can ive got dragunov sdvs ghillie or however u spell it, i dont think u can go noto nexon eu but if u can give me a reply( if you havent done the wep)

  35. Dear Baxstar,

    I really really really really really really really would like to see you play some quarentine!!!!! Could you plz oh plz make a gameplay video of it or show the best places to be on 1 of the maps. It'd be great!!!!!!!

  36. Oh and I'd like to join your clan if it would be possible. My best maps are Snow Valley and Brushwood. My kdr is 0.82 but I'm a better player than it lets on. I'm also pretty good at quarentine if it even matters. PLZ consider me. This is pretty much an application. Oh my IGN is JDK17. If i have to play against the leader or some1 as a test id gladly do it.

  37. Baxstar please accept my friend request and my brother ahmed2000 (me) speedkilla20 (brother) and can you help us get our kdr's up to like 1.2 and teach us how to play better

  38. Yeah KShredz he's already done the Dragunov Svds

  39. Also I have a question: Do you think that putting a Itech sight on an AugA3 would be a good idea since it lowers recoi maybe it would make the gun easier to hit with? I use my Aug mostly for CQC anyway so an acog usually goes on my SG556

  40. Hey Baxstar I was wondering if you could add me maybe we could clanwar together sometime, maybe some CTF?

  41. Hey bax. I dont mean to push you or anything but are you going to make a room for your fans that follow ur blog like you said you were? Just curious. Chris-Killer

  42. what up bax, i check ur channel everyday. montage? that's what i hear. dead? i hear that even more. Oh, and when are u planning to get a new power supply, since they are not very expensive (about $65 Usd, for 600watt) which should be decent for your system, since your system isnt that demanding on power. (only one gpu, one dual core cpu-not very demanding, you could get away with 550w i'm sure)

  43. Hey Bax, I got a Mei's MP7 Mod for 7 days!!! If you want to review it I will give you my account information.

  44. Hey bax I have an m14ebr if u want to review it just add me in game or ill give my pass to u,

  45. I also have vipers p90tr for 30 days if want to review it too

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. Take that hackers and dumb bugs!Nexon wins again! lol XD

  48. Hey Baxstar, I have Scorpion's pp-19 Mod in my inbox for 1 day and was hoping that you'd review it. My friend's list is broken so, if you want to, you would have to make a time and date on this. If you don't want to it's fine and if I don't get an answer I'll take it as a no.

  49. he bax can you tell me how to get on combatarms na beacuse i really want o meet you and see your profile because i play on combatarms eu

  50. hey guys out of p90 tr,pp19 mod and mp7 mod whats the best one i should buy for perm(i can control recoil)

  51. I think this is just someone who tries to be you or is this really your new acc?

  52. @YGrizzly
    someone's ripping off of his channel. Notice the "i" before "Baxstar"?
    also, his vid qualities SUCK, which is something that never happens for Bax's vids.

    That guy's a poser.

  53. Ppl these days are crazy for nx man its just dum every thinks of a high rank as a nx buyer and has lots of gp dang just hate it

  54. Hey Baxstar, its Supacool22, i have been wanting to add u so i can ask u to review a gun, then i realized u had this so i just want to tell u to add me on combat arms, my name is 'Supacool22' and i would like u to do a review on the Famas G2 one of the guns i have perm.
    I enjoyed ur reviwe on the m416 cqb(my other perm gun) and im now glad i bought it, Please consider this.

  55. @letum hostibus
    I though so, hope that ppl see these messages.

    haha i tried to send message on his youtube channel about that he isn't Baxstar, but he has to accecpt that, another thing which tells that he isn't real Bax

  56. Baxs can you please accept my friend request and my brothers and help us get better and get our kdrs up our name's are ahmed2000 (me) speedkilla20(brother) please accept :D

  57. @ Supacool22
    Yeah he's already done the Famas G2 it should be on his channel

  58. Hey Bax. I was wondering if you wanted to use my acc. on CA for your montage. No one will bother you about being BAXSTAR and I've got all your favorite guns. Here's the list (don't judge my cash spending) Aug a3, PP-19 Mod, M417 combat, M416 cqb, Tpg-1 Pro, Xm-8, M107 CQ SE, and finally G36E Valkyrie. By favorite guns I mostly ment the G36 and M107. Hope you'd do it. And if it helps I still have that Scorpion's PP-19 Mod in my inbox for 1 day if you wanted to review it in the process. =D Lawlz!


  59. @Joey You know that the AUG, M417 Combat, PP-19 Mod are NOT his favorite guns and he has the guns he needs for permanent already.

  60. You Need To Review The K7, i am loving it atm :D

  61. Hi ! Which is better ? P90TR SE vs PP-19 ModCamo ? M4A1 SopMode vs F2000 vs ak-74m vs m4a2 SRT ?

  62. Hey bax I'm new to your clan ign: HeliumC 2ndlt(1) kdr-2.65

  63. @Isaac I know he has the guns perm already. My main point was that he would'nt be swarmed with comments about being Baxstar. And I thought I meantioned that I know the guns you mentioned weren't his fav. guns. I mostly meant the G36 and M107 if you look above. Plus I have Scorpion's PP-19 Mod in my inbox so if he wanted to review it in the process of a mellow montage he could.

  64. Bax when u use the DB do u aimfor the head because i noticed u got Alot of headshots in ur mini montage

  65. Review the TRG-41 for the next review. You may have been gifted it but if not I will die for you. If you are wondering what this gun is, nexon had a one-day sale on the 21st were it was 25k nx for perm rather the usual 30k for perm snipers. It's a great gun and I would love to die for a review. (I got it perm)

  66. Baxstar i want to play with youmy IGN is : TheIraqiWolf add Me.

  67. what game were you playing in between....

  68. Hi I love watching your reviews!
    1. What program do you use to record and edit your videos?
    2. Will you be my friend on CA?
    3. Can we play a 1v1 some time?
    4. I have been playing CA for 2 years any playing tips?

    CA name is UltraK1ller,rank ssc1,KDR 1.66 clan, UltraK1llers
    Guns, perm XM8 , perm M416CQB , perm M107CQ SE. And defaults.

  69. Hi Bax!
    Just wondering if you could make an "review" on Sony Vegas Pro 9. I kinda understand nothing:P Would be nice if you could!

  70. hey baxstar before everyone knew you from youtube how did you avoid getting kicked when you pwned?

  71. Oi!!! -__________- wow didn't know you had so many fans.. lol. anyway.. there is this guy in combat arms posing as your brother SerraAngel. its pretty obvious that its not your bro cause he was playing like crap. i was pwning him like 27-2 in coldseed. its pretty funny lmao cause whenever hes on ca i ask him to vs me in 1v1 but he always makes up an excuse like he needs to do clan war or has to eat dinner.. who the hell eats dinner after loggin in to combat arms like 100 times in a row.. pretty suspicious lmao. because of this guy.. i am really interested in vsing u in ca and seeing how pro u are. im not trying to be cocky but that faker( or brother ) idc sucks like hell and i wanna vs u xD. if that is ur bro.. wow he was having a really unlucky day or hes the nubest guy in ca.. im sure your busy and everything but can u plz ask if i can join ur clan?? my kdr is 2.1 but thats because i only use m16a3.. i really want to join the clan and im a really active player on combat. plz consider adding me!! reply to me if u want

  72. Is it coincidental that you, MediocreCA, and iSqUiRt69 have all stopped uploading videos?

  73. This comment has been removed by the author.

  74. @ Eclipse, I didn't. I got kicked in almost every single game that wasn't moderated by a clan mate or myself.

    @ mark, ya pretty sure he's a poser. My brother hasn't played CA in a longer time than I have.
    @ Agent, I think so. I haven't played CA in a month now simply because I don't really care for it, and my ball mouse has officially stopped working properly, so playing FPS would just frustrate me. But ya, I'm pretty sure it's coincidence.

    @ Edmond, please don't lol.

  75. wish i could play with you. o yeah i kinda gifted you before you replied so srry.

  76. Hey man can you help me....can you pls pm me your address...cause i just want to buy nx but they dint have any i wanted to send you money to hel me buy and yea pls reply....thnx :D

  77. Ya I'd readlly like to play BlOps or MW2, but I REALLY should not get into it, it would be bad for my education lol.

    And you might be right about my brother. He lives in a different city than I do and so I'm not sure if he's on or not. I just thought he wouldn't be playing at the moment because of Pharmacy school, but he had reading week this week, so he might have been playing (like me).

    I played CA last night for a little bit. Costa Recon is pretty cool, and the TRG-41 is just a TRG-21 dipped in some green food colouring, lol. So it's pretty good.

    Now, to pay attention to my professor who is currently talking about the Arrhenius equation and the effects to the constant k after changing the variables in the equation such as Activation Energy... FML lol.

  78. hey. can you plz tell me what server you go on the most plz plz?? Don't tell me it's PaPa server lol!

  79. Hey Bax, can u please make a new review on the l9(gp) and some bonus monatages?? i wanna see u play with a normal gp gun like plenty of us CA'ers....o yeah.. and deucation first.. so u can make it wen ur not busy, btw Chicago Bulls OWN :P(NBA)

  80. OMG, BAX, I LOVE UR VIDS!!!!!!!!100 out of 100 bro!!!

  81. thanks everyone lol.

    I've made an L96A1 Review btw Cosmic. And I've also made videos with me playing with the L96 black magnum, ghille,and others.

    And I play in the bravo server the most.

  82. Zomg!!! new Bax review on the F2000 Tact! yay!!! :)

  83. do u name your room names specifically and what servers do you play on?

  84. are u going to make a montageeeeeee?????

  85. @edmond, he sed bravo is u can read ^^

  86. Sometimes my messenger is unable to connect to server D:. I hope it doesn't happen to you baxstar:D. I think you should create your own website instead of a blog. Or i can make the website for you and you can just send me all your videos for me to post. Ex. to create website. Note is a real website that i made. I will make vids asp.

  87. yay now there's no need for quick switching! =D

  88. Hey Baxstar,

    Im a really big fan, and of course alot of people are lol, but i was wondering if u had the time to play a game or two with me? it'd be an amazing CA expierence for me and thank you so much for the sniper QS tips video it helped alot. IGN: ALI1990

  89. Hey baxstar what happened to Black-? did they Terminate it? Well if you need a great clan you should look into joining Intimacy. Just look into it ;). Our leader is ITooAzn. I know you are not going to join cause yeah.. Lol. Well just think about it, look us up.

  90. Hey bax please check out
    were a quarantine site but we could really use your help to expand it :S
    thanks in advance we'll be trying to make an intro for you if possible
