Saturday, December 10, 2011

Exam Week :O!!

It's exam time, so I'll probably go M.I.A for about a good week and a half. If you all want to contribute in some way, then each of you pick a subject; Physiology, Organic Chemistry, Bio Chemistry, Biological Statistics, and some Math; learn a bit of it VERY well, then each of you can send me your brain knowledge via the internet, and I'll plug a USB into my brain, and absorb all that learned knowledge!!

With your help guys, I know I can do it!!!!


  1. We have complete faith in you Bax! And glad to see that you're back.

  2. But bax, you're never alone with us to support you :D

  3. Good luck man, I'm going through the same situation =S After that it is CA time =)

  4. hehe, finals after mah 2 week christmas break... then another 2 week exam break 2 days later ^.^

  5. hey baxstar, i've been watching most of your vids. especially your sniping montages. i would like to add me as a friend on combat arms so can u please add me: _A13M_

  6. I've have drunken about 10 coffee's today... and I'm having massive caffiene withdrawl and mood crashes =\...... my brain hurts and I just want to lay down and think about nothing....

    Also I don't add *anyone* because I get 100's of friend requests a day, and it wouldn't be fair.

    Just know that you're not the only person who has asked and I have said no to. I say no to everyone =\.

  7. bax should i get l96a1 holiday wolf or tpg-1 pro? please tell me.

  8. Dang that's a lot of caffeine, keep it up winter break is almost here =D

  9. Hey Bax. Big fan. Just if u can give me some advice... Should i renew...

    M417 SB
    M416 CQB CAMO

    Can't decide!!!

  10. BAXSTARRRRRRRR Once you finish your exams, please upload your rank up to LTC vid as promised :). Good luck on your exams!

  11. Good luck on ur exam bax ur advice for gettin headshots are great thks oso

  12. someone HELP i have the black screen PROBLEM WHEN i go to my character or shop IT IS ALWAYS a black screen Can someone help ME PLZZ pm me... on utube bradley17362

  13. Can you please do a CZ805 review or a VB Berapi LP02 review when you get some spare time thanks.

  14. What server do you usually play on ?

  15. Hey Baxstar.
    I accidentally sold back a PERMANENT RAVENS G36C.
    I feel like an idiot.
    I wouldve asked you to review it for me :P
    well anyways you are the best in CA (so far)

  16. Hey baxstar should I buy a perm tpg-1 pro or dsr-1 subsonic

  17. Hey Baxstar, ganster47 here. I still have those questions from before. I posted them on your latest video. So I'm still here if your willing to help me.

  18. If you did not get those questions i posted here are they again ( copy and pasted off the origional post on youtube) "Hey Baxstar, I actully been thinking about your contest, and now it troubles me becuase ive tried to put up videos of my own but they some reason wont be uploded. So im wondering if you could help me. I really, well sort of want to win this contest of yours. And a little request, play more minecraft and another question. ( Im sorry for all these questions) Do you have any tips for saving GP? I never have over 34k but I see how you have alot, So any tips? thanks, add me if you wish, ganster47 ty" ( btw this is Theonlyone0099) also if you werent to get gifted as you said in your latest video, How would you save your Gp, and do you know and Reliable sources to earn NX ? you know Spam free and registration etc. Ty, - Ganster47

  19. Hey ill just post a comment on here.If you would like to review my Azazel i'd be willing to die for you or let you borrow my account.I posted on you latest video but that was full of spams.

  20. KDR_is_back again.
    please try to review my Decklands F2000 Tactical

  21. You are a beast.
    Thank u for ur reviews, u really help me.
    IGN: MayaSepht
    Love u bax!

  22. When ru Returning to COmbat ArmS NOW????

  23. If anyone could spam me gifts like you spam Baxstar I would appreciate it. Also check out my channel at

    Ign: MeleeCousin

  24. hi baxtar i have a question....when u goin to up a new video??? i like yours videos xD

  25. hi baxstar i appriciate rejecting my friend request (not) but i need a friend all my friends barely ever play. my name is MrKill5. your videos are damn useful, i needed the minigun reveiw i was just surprised that the minigun was recoil ful. anyway plz add me

  26. hey baxstar,
    I really wish to play with you one game... It would be soo Cool!
    my name: IceSpider
    Thanks for all the fantastic videos!!
    maybe you could give me some tips how to make a good youtube video =)

  27. Bax could you please make a review on the autumn g36e valkyrie !! :)

  28. Totally unrelated topic but Baxstar if you read 1v1 me in sniper only D: ive been trying to ask you for a long time now but ur whisper is off.

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Have you retired playing Combat Arms? I think you finally moved on...Well, if you did, you will always be the greatest Combat Arms player known...
      Good luck in life....I hope you just take a last glimpse of the blog..

    2. This is crazy... I remember these videos the day they came out, and here we are 5 years later.

      It hit me hard to see when checking Baxstar's youtube channel after years of not watching, that he has recently become inactive in posting videos.

      Just came here to say goodbye to Bax
