Thursday, October 28, 2010

Baxstar's first blog

Hey guys, Baxstar here :D. I thought of making this blog to keep up with the people who are actually interested in knowing what my next review might be, what times I'll be playing, video IDEAS from you guys, and also just to have a better outlet to talk to my fans!

From now on I'll be checking this Blog very often and posting often to keep you guys updated, I'll also be reading the comments for ideas and criticism and other things : ). Enjoy guys!



  2. Lol not sure that's such a good idea :P. It'd take a pretty long time.

  3. Hey bax, i enjoy seeing your reviews :D
    I'm hoping you will make a "map" tip review
    -example like junk flea.
    thank you

  4. Bax - If I'm in DarkTemplar can I add you? (I am)

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Hey Baxstar!! I love your reviews, I've actually used some to influence some NX purchases I've made!! Yes, yes, I know, NX is a waste, I realize that now, but it was worth it. ANYWAY... I think it is funny that you have a blog, but it is a good idea. BTW, do you accept MYST-G Cases in game? I was just wondering. PS- I was your 4th follower! :D Add me in game (not you Bax, I figured you wouldn't!) but everyone else can! And join my clan- M417 Elites! (Again, not you Bax, unless you want to? o.0?) LOL

  7. Hey Baxstar. Love your videos. How do you get so much GP? I know you got a lot of perm NX weapons but still how do you get so much GP? Lol. And can you do a review on the REC 7 Rangers unless you already did it. Lol

  8. Um, I do get MYST-G cases, but I really don't need them! Don't gift me anything please, I really don't need anything! If i can get any new NX release guns when they come out, I can review it, and I'm good :P.

    Also, i've been to Ottawa, i'd love to go back there again, fun times.

    And I have so much GP because I save it all! I don't spend it! I bought the G36E Valkyrie LE last summer, and used it for the longest time.

    Also when i first started playing, the first 25k NX card I bought I used the M416 CQB and L96A1 Arctic wolf for 90 days, and all I bought was Light vest, and combat beanie / military bandana for GP every day.

    Saved the rest, and have been.

  9. Dang baxstar, I cant imagine you looking like that! Thought you were 16! Look at that grown man in that picture!

  10. OK, I won't gift you anything, just wondering. Anyway, I have Desert Eagle SE Perm, Usp SE Perm, M417 Combat Perm, DSR-1 Sub Perm, MG36 Perm, and M4 Super 90 Perm, so if you want to get on my account to review any of those, you can! :D Just tell me. I LOVE YOUR VIDEOS!~!~!~!

  11. Man I wish I was YOU!!! U are like probably the #1 GAMER IN ALL OF COMBAT ARMS. I RESPECT YOU Captain!! cant wait till ur MAJOR!
    p.s. I'm BMWM3PRO

  12. If you ever come back to Ottawa or other cities tell us. And how long did it take you to become "Pro" with the g36/l96? How long should i practice with?>

  13. Hey Bax! I'm a long time fan and used alot of your videos to help me decide what guns to purchase for permanent with NX. Thanks a lot! You could think of doing maybe a sniper comparison video or l96a1 Arctic Wolf review. I have heard a lot of good things about that sniper! Thanks again-Due1212

  14. Lol you just don't become "pro" with any gun at any time. It's a process, and there is no telling how long it will take you. I could argue that I've been good with pretty much every gun in the game since i started playing, but I'm always getting better (at least over time, somedays I feel like I got worse).

    And the L96A1 Arctic Wolf review will probably never come out, at least not for a really long time because I've already done 2 variants of the L96A1, and they all work the same.

  15. hey bax yea can i play with you cause ur really good and i suck terribly cause my kdr is .80 and i wanna see if im good enough to make you fall a couple of times =)

  16. BTW, the earlier -Kazx- account was mine. Just saying... o.0

  17. And Bax, just wondering if you had done a review on the Desert Eagle SE?

  18. is there any way you can connect this blog with facebook so i could follow you on here with facebook instead of google or make a facebook page that you update along with this blog

  19. what up Bax was wondering if you need help with your studies i can help i may be young but i can still outsmart some of the best just saying.(btw i am extremely good at science and have a 113.12% in my Zoology class which is an honors class seeing how im in the 9th grade)

    CHeck this out

  21. Nope I haven't reviewed any sort of Deagle yet.

    Also thanks for the offer Khaotic, but the stuff I'm doing is beyond your knowledge lol. I'm sure if you were to learn it you would be able to do it, but you simply don't know how to work with the things I'm doing so far. You need a lot of background knowledge to able to explain the things they teach you in university. Everything builds on top of each other. There is no point in building the top of the CN Tower if you don't have the base : ).

  22. Also I'm not sure if you can connect this Blog with Facebook, i'll see if I can do that. I'll talk with Max Proske, he's the main Facebook group admin, and he does pretty much every post on there except for the odd time when I pop on.

  23. ur like an inspiration for me to play, keep doing wat ur doing bro, TO HELL WITH THE HEATERS.

  24. wow baxstar ur pro w00t so see all these people adding you to their subscription lists :P I really wanna see you do a snipers only match please!! and maybe I could help you with a tips and tricks review? maybe short fuse... if you want to do that just add me... ch3eky.

  25. Bax, you may not rememeber me, we met in a junk flea elim game. My IGN is Vaiography i am interested to do a full complete pistol guide with you. As I was from the clan Pistol Gods I feel that I would like to impart my knowledge through you to the rest of the CA community as ur famous lol. Pistol Gods is the best pistol clan in CA btw =D if ur interested,pls PM me on youtube. youtube user: VaiographyCA

  26. WoW you have a bunch of fans. O_O lol@obvious. Anyway i like your videos just wanted to say thanks for all the tips, especially the quick scoping one you gave us. TY ;)

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. Since you haven't done any sort of Deagle review, do you want to use mine? I have Deagle SE for Perm, so you can whenever you want, if you want to of course. Just comment on here or PM me on Youtube, my account is CAElite22. Thanks!

  29. Hey Alex, do you live near Kitchener?

  30. @Nati DX did you say HEATERS? did you mean HATERS?

  31. hey love your videos could u do a tips/ tricks video for junk flea??? Thats my favorite map


  32. Hey , Im MSG 1 2.49 kdr .... 6 months of playing CA is that around your kdr AT ALL? while you were 6 months playing? Just wondering to see will i someday be as you = D D D D D *B3NneY Spam* lol.

    And... Sorry for asking those wierd Q's but i really wanna know will i be as good as you someday = D

  33. Aha ok. But i cant get any nx and buy nx weapons. I try to save GP but then i end up spending it Lol.

  34. hey bax im thining of stoping playing ca and get a xobx 360 and halo if my mom will let me get that game she said mabe anyway like none of my friends play ca and they think itz lame what should i do quit or keep playing

  35. Do whatever you want. Quiting CA doesn't mean much, it's just a game. To be honest, I'm not at all sure why I still play it =\.

    And yes, I live pretty close to kitchener, I'm only an hour and 15 min away (drive).

  36. Hey can u review more specialist stuff?

  37. Bax - can I friend you if I'm in DarkTemplar (mentioned in your latest vid)

  38. Hey
    Is that you and your girlfriend??

  39. Hey Baxstar, man I love your vids so much (dont wanna be a kiss up) but your awesome. Btw when yu gonna do a vid on the F200 gun and or the F200 Tactical??? I wanna know your view on it. Btw IGN: iiCarlyii


  41. baxstar if u ever need a gun, ask me id be happy to gift it and i have some guns on my account u could review

  42. Hey Baxstar I was wondering which SMG should I get. A MP7-Mod P90-TR or a PP-19-Mod. I really like all three of them but I would like your opinion please. Answer if and when you can, and good luck on those exams.

  43. baxstar can you make a review on the m4a1 cqbr

  44. should i get the new M1866 sniper rife? i heard bad things and good things about it.

  45. Hey bax if you wanna review my Mei's MP7 Mod add me. My IGN is AZN_Beast654

  46. Hey Baxstar plzz tell me when ur makeing a new review. and when you are gonna be playing i wanna see how good you are my IGN is :SukmiGunz plzz add me

  47. Also bax if you can tell me what part of Canada you live in i live in The western Coast so thank you and have a good night.

  48. Hey baxstar im a HUGE inspired me on doing videos.You are a good example on
    other people because you said that
    "education it ALWAYS before video games"
    and your right. Everyone looks up on you...
    :) Have a nice day...Major Baxstar... :)

  49. hey i wonder if i skol buy a
    viper spes + medkits and a spes wap
    a g36e v perm?

  50. Baxstar please read.
    I think you left out one important detail in your sniper tip video. Somthing to know when you are quick scoping is when an enemys name turns red it means that they are in the middle of your screen. Eventually you wouldnt even need to use this tip but knowing it is good practice for learning where the middle of you screen is.

  51. Baxstar Bro can you tell us the fraps settings that you have? I wanna know this because when i play CA and fraps it gets all laggy but i have a good computer. So please respond :)

  52. BAXSTAR >:O! :D This is -Mystigon_ and i was wondering if u had the time to kinda pick my decision on what perm gun should i buy. I already have ak74m, m6a2 srt, l85a1 mod, tpg1 pro, m107cq se(So BOSS), usp se, and desert eagle se. i know thats alot of perms and you're probally wondering those are already good perms right there, but u see i want one more to full fill my need of weapons. should my next and final perm be famas g2? or P90 Tr? Please reply to this it would be a big help to me and i may buy u a perm when i get a chance :D *cough* just because my dad has money *cough*

  53. Yo Baxstar, love your vids man. I sent you a message on Youtube about which SR I should by for a perm. Which do you like the best?

  54. Hey bboynonmaex1
    Can you please gift me a 90 day f2000 tactical or 30 day since your dad has money *cough* and i dont have money *cough* lol. PLEASE? If you want it can even be a 30day snipe, and a 30 day tactical. I will make a vid just for you if you do bc i have fraps but dont use it often. Thks my ign: ironar

    (if you can just throw in a 30 day p226 silver) thks you dont have 2. Just to fill my needs

  55. CALisner i would totally buy a m107cq se bcause i got it and its just so boss , i love to quick scope with it and the double zoom makes it pretty fun :D portability is pretty bad but if u use a snipe u run with ur knife anyways and quick switch to ur knife to right? so yeah m107cq se would be my suggestion even though im not baxstar :p
    and XxironarxX umm yeah that post i kinda just recently changed my mind on buying a perm now i might but a perm later in my future and it might be the m4a1 desert warrior :O, but anywho ill see if i can bro cuz im getting gender change to become a girl, WOOT! i like being fast ;p and yeah i might buy some nx gears to be faster and stuff so ill see kk?

  56. Hello Baxstar. Just to start off YOU. ARE. AWESOME. (just to state the obvious) SO... in the next few weeks I'm going to be getting enough NX to get a perm and I'm looking for an assault rifle. I play kill Creek the most then like 2 close quarters maps then a bunch of long range maps. I was originally looking at the M417 Combat, the M6A2 SRT, the L85A1 Mod, or likely the AK-74M. I know your personal favorite is the G36 but I already have the GP one perm and I want a different gun.

  57. Get the F2k tactical for high accuracy, or get the G36e Valk. and if you like annyother map it would def be the valk.

  58. Hey Bax, I was hoping you could get the facebook thing going, because I won't remember to go onto your blog very much:P

  59. @anthony if u are looking between those 4 guns i recommend not to get the m417 combat , bcause its just not really that good compare to the other 3. but if u got the g36e perm dont get l85a1 mod bcause they are very similar in my view so its like getting the same guns. between the ak74m and m6a2 srt ill choose the ak74m because it has nice damgae and fire rate and accuracy so yeah. and just to let u know anthony my name is anthony :D and i got l85a1 mod, ak74m, m6a2 srt perm :P

  60. hey baxstar i added u on facebook but u havnt accepted it also hey i have a an idea y dont u review some frags or mines

  61. I am pretty sure i am way behind on ur blog idea but i am gunna follow u because i admire how u turn what u love into this, right here. U make it more than game play and thats definitely awesome. Now i read how u said u were interested in art, that fascinated me and actually had me thinking that maybe u could help me by following me. Imma artist and (i wish i could tell u this in some priivate way) and i have no way of getting my name out and am tring to find some way... my blog.. on which i made a long time agon (2-3 months) is fresh and i will post art at the end of november. it is ( to see what i do u can go to ( ).. I know this sounds like a beg and i want to say it not, and if u can do me this small favor u message me to create anything u want and i will definately do it for ya... Hope i sometime see u in CA!

  62. BTW i doubt imma ever get ym butt wooped by ya ingame considering i am a roadkill lover -.- if u do i am known as BlackDaRippa (BlkPwnStar)

  63. hey bax i really love ure vids, but why don;t you ever make avid on how to aim or how to not freeze in mid battle lol i know im a total newb, for example, an updated version of how to tap and aim. ohh u never got the G36KE review. Also i don't know if u care but im in WestCoastKillers and i could get you a vid of greatfullded ranking to GOA, u know it will be CA history and all , lol, so thanks if u read this, i n==know u have a bissy schedule. ohh my ingme name is avast17

  64. bax can u review the m6e4steel cause ive seen u get it out of myst n so can u.and next week im getting nx or in 2 weeks so should i gift u m121e for 1,7,or 30 days oh ya my name is darkdepth2

  65. Hey Baxstar,
    I was wondering if I could join your clan.
    If you have any questions I'll be :D(happy)
    to answer them :D.

  66. Hey Bax i really like suck at quickscoping even with ur awsome/latest vid can i add you ingame and maybe you could help me out? IGN:ninjastar007 also my utube name is ninjastar120

  67. SUP Baxsar =D i got A Question... Can u do a review about ur self ???... that would be just as good.make a video about u talkng and cooking in the kitchin =D =D =D <3 Love u =D

  68. Hey Bax! I've been a fan of your reviews. Can you do reviews on the new release weapons? The XK-8 and the XK-8 Tactical? I'll be happy to gift you the Tactical once I get ungrounded. LOL! Anyways, looking forward to more reviews!

    IGN: Di3RightNow
    Clan: ~Neoflex~ (<----- BOSS CLAN!)

  69. Hey bax imma big fan. I was wondering if you could make a list of the best weapon(s) in the game(in your opinion). Best pistol, best sniper etc.

  70. hey its 556deadpool and I request a match with u 1vs1 my CA name is Pottr (yeeah got lazy with name lol :p)

  71. Hello Baxstar, Id just like to start of with a quick thank you for all the work you've done with all of your reviews etc, they have been very helpful and entertaining. I have a question for you; I have saved $30 for a perm gun, and its the only money i am going to be spending on CA. I have narrowed the selection down to only getting a sniper. My top three choices so far are: the l9 Artic Wolf, TPG-1 pro, or the DSR subsonic. I have picked up the Artic Wolf before and was a bit frustrated with the accuracy. Ive picked up the TPG-1 and was a bit thrown off by the higher magnification. Ive picked up the DSR and it seemed good, but it dosent feel right ( Im not sure if its the size of the gun on the screen, the gun shot noise, but maybe ill get used to it) Im asking for your suggestion for which gun to choose. Some games i camp, some games i rush so im a bit torn between which gun to choose. Thank you bax for your time

    my IGN is GURRILLAk

  72. baxstar i luv the world u r in in minecraft and i want to know what world seed it is, if u know can u tel me plzzz ty

  73. Hey Bax, can u make a review on AN-94 tact ops? I'll i'll kill myself for u. (Unless u have it).

  74. Wups sorry, forgot to put my IGN into it... anyway for that AN-94 tact ops post if u want to review it u can add me, XNinjasomeX
