Tuesday, November 2, 2010

School and reviews :O

Alright! So it's been 2 weeks since I've made a video (other than the one I just posted today) because I've been in the middle of mid-term exams for 3 weeks, and it's been pure hell. Never studied so hard in my life thus far (or procrastinate as hard either). So for now, I'm good. But I've got more tests and junk comming so I've gotta juggle CA accordingly.

My next video will either be a review, or my "Baxstar ranks to Major!" Video. Depends on the timing and amount of time I get.

Don't forget to post some ideas for videos, things you want to know, some clarifications, questions, or anything of the like. This is the place to do it : ).


  1. I have meis mp7 mod for a day in my inbox untouched. You can go on to my account and review it.


  2. What is your button layout? :O

  3. @ seng_jimmy --> Quite possible. Save it up for little bit, because reviewing the Mei's Mp7 would probably not be to bad of an idea, good way to get people reminded about how decent the Mp7 is.

    @ Kyle, My layout is default, except for the following.

    F - sprint

    SHIFT - Walk

    C - crouch

    G - Gun firing mode switch

    Everything else is default as stated : ].

  4. I had the R8cs mod shotgun (name maybe wrong) it has the Reflex scope on it. Reloads like M4 super 90 and can shoot while reloading if you want to review that to

  5. What??? C for crounching? what do u use the ctrl for than? lol cause my C key is broken and u need a LOT of force to push it. so yeah

  6. Hey Bax what mouse and headset do you use when you play CA?

  7. Hey Bax what makes you so awsome/Famous?

  8. I use CTRL for nothing.

    And I use a DELL Trackball mouse (Ball mouse) lol, it's a PoS.

    As for headset, some Logitech headset.

  9. Bax about how many guns did you NOT review yet?

  10. Hey Baxstar, I watched your most recent video, and I am pretty good at quick scoping but I cant jump around while doing it. Is their anyway that you could teach me or tell me how I could train? It is actually frusturating me. please reply

    IGN: pointblank20

  11. Hey Bax, what do you want to do with your life? like what is your "dream career"?

  12. lol CTRL for nothing...
    i listened to you and used shift for walking and i PAWNED so many headshots :]. u should play crossfire, totally different skill level

  13. You should do a machinegun review! If you want you can use my rpk74m, unopened. OR you can make a black lung review with that, I have a spec with a 2 slot and medikits. So if you want, you can use my account!

  14. hey bax. its blacken3d from smexehdanceparty. im suprised your still in the clan..on your alt acc anyways. you never on vent tho. you should get on sometime

  15. actually, i have a r870 mod and i got for 90 days. if you want to review it, let me know. imo its a really good shotty. probably on par with the m4s90 other then the rof.

  16. hey bax! I was just wondering what you're studying. maybe I can get some inspiration, cuz im a fking dumbass.. jkjks.

  17. @ kirk, The R870 is decent, but no where near as good as the M4 super 90. The potential to do good with the S 90 is just light years from the R870 (Just saying someone with the same amount of skill would do much much better with a Super 90 over the R870).

    Also @ Josh, I'm studying science, in particular, bio medical science. This semester I have Physics, Calculus, Biology, Chemistry, and Psychology, a lot of work =\.

  18. please read earlier comment =)
    It would make me uber happy lol

  19. Toneth, that's hard to say. Right now i'm aiming for Surgeon, Neurosurgeon in particular, Doctor, Pharmacist, or anything in the medical field. I probably won't work out that way though lol.

  20. LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL i love it when baxstar repleys, btw u should shave ur beard>< u look a bit chubby now hahahaha....~~~~

  21. hey i have a rpk 74m if u want to review it and whats ur strategy for snow valley i suk PLz Help

  22. joejoethetee what kind of player are you? I'm pretty good at snow valley despite my KDR(played Bravo when i was a noob not a good idea). I could help you out a bit.


  23. Hey bax! :) love your vids.

    Quick question.

    What sensitivity do you use? High or low?

  24. I wish the best of luck to you in you plans for the future. Your a great player in combat arms, (of course you dont need me to tell you that) Keep it up! I see you like animation and thats why I asked you about your jobs, because I actually want to be a computer animator.

  25. hey any chance you can review the worst gun in the game its your choice in the thinking of what gun is the worst but id be kinda funny watching you pwn ppl with your most hated gun in the game

  26. oh and one other question have you ever played diablo or crossfire or counter strike anything like that

  27. Baxstar U should try to play Oma Explosives only ois fun :D !! try it ... when u have time :P

  28. Hey Bax! Do you prefer the tpg-1 pro over the dsr-1 subsonic? Just wanted to know your opinion cuz im thinking about getting either one for perm. btw i watched both reviews but still can't make up my mind.

  29. I saw you say your doing science. That stuff is hard man, keep at it! Good luck with that stuff, I recently tried mechanical engineering and it wasnt for me, Physics will drain ya. Thanks for the videos and all, study!! :D

  30. I've reviewed what I think is the worst gun already, the M16A3 and also the TAR-21, just search them up on youtube with my name and you'll find them :P.

    And ty toneth. I used to animate for leisure, not serious. I'd love to have the time to learn and get better at it, but I really don't have the time anymore lol. If I have any extra time, it goes towards my girlfriend, CA, and playing music. Not too much time for anything else : [.

    Also my sensativity is around medium-medium-low (yes, 2 mediums).

    And yes, physics is hard =\. The basic questions are easy, even the formulas can be easy to interpret. Unfortunately when you get to the analytical problems it gets very difficult knowing exactly how to build a model to solve it, and use correct formulas lol.

  31. Sup Bax, been a long time fan of yours and I was wondering if you could help me with my aim, I'm rank CSM3 nearly CSM4 and I've been having alot of trouble aiming, you seem to be the expert on these things and I was wondering if you've got any tips or tricks you use. My IGN is mjk980o. Thanks!

  32. Good luck with your studies Bax! We all wish you well to your success! Science,Lawyer, and business are my 3 choices... I am absolutely terrible at science,(Science 10 is already killing me..). Lawyer, u need to like remember a whole dictionary of s***,(excuse me language). Business man.. gives me some good thoughts on that. @Bax, don't you just love Canada? I'm actually on the other side of you.. British Columbia, Vancouver! You should come over to B.C. and check it out sometime during vacations. (Not to my house..)

  33. This is -Framed, we played together in that pistol/sniper only game in death room. And i must say i am not happy, you should have posted that sniper only game too, i pwned (and tanked a bit). Lol, jokes aside. Your a really cool dude, and i enjoy watching your videos, keep them coming. :]

  34. Good luck with your studies and can u review the ninjato(knife) and the Kriss spec ops if u dont have it well i can gift u it to review for us! g'luck with ur exams!

  35. hey bax i fink that reviewing themp5 ras would be nice its pretty good i got it perm from black hisec key

  36. hey bax, 2 things, adding a shoutbox would be VERY handy :L

    as well as that, like ur blog very much :L

    http://www.thespiritofheart.blogspot.com is mine :L

  37. Hi Bax! Please help me to choose...
    G36E Valkyrie
    M416 CQB

    L96A1 Arctic Wolf
    M107CQ SE
    DSR-1 Subsonic
    TPG-1 Pro


    I can control recoil and spread.
    Next time in your vid, if you ever recommand a gun which is very good, say "This gun/baby, has the BAXSTAR seal on it." hehe... So I know it's a good gun.

  38. Also, please give/buy me a GP sniper for 1 or 7 days since you have sooo musch GP... Hehe... If you want to but me a sniper rifle, either buy me a L115A2 or DSR-1...
    Add me (if you want)
    IGN: benjaminkok

  39. Heey there Bax I saw u like art!
    I'm a becoming artist studying it right now:)
    I'm dutch but perfectly speaking english, so now to get to the point of this comment. I was thinking about showing u some of my works and maybe u can show me some of ur drawings, wouldn't that be great? Well I really like ur vid and saw all of them so keep going and ur cool man just reply at this blog I will check it from time to time. By the way I noticed ur name is Alex too that's pretty awsome.

  40. Hey Bax a guy from Ca Eu here.I like your vids alot heh (thanks to you i learned how to play 2 towers)Was thinking maybe you could review F2000/FS2000 someday if you have some free time or maybe another tips and tricks vid from diff maps ? (of course if you have some free time and nothing better to review heh.GL with School

  41. hey baxstar u should become a partner on youtube you have enough subscribers

  42. Hey Baxstar. I just have a suggestion. you should make a skills video on how to learn to dodge and aim and the basics of the game.

    It seems alot of people are eager for such a video.

  43. Baxstar, what's your videocard? How do you get so much FPS?

  44. Baxstar, I challenge you to a Junk flea OMA Sniper only. ~ xSkipper

    Im serious about it look me up in the player profile and see if Im worthy enough to fight u -_-

  45. hey bax, i sent you a message on youtube, and i just realised that you dont look on your youtube anymore (cus u said it on your latest vid xD), but if you have time, look at it, i don want to stress you , since your studies are growing, im a
    AS level student, so i understand. and if my comment is too "comun" to you i dont worry ;) (my youtube account name is hurryjoeful.

  46. Hey Bax just want to ask you a few things about which guns you like more.

    G36c or G36KE
    K5 SD or USP SE
    USP Tact or USP SE
    SG556 or L85 mod

    So when ever you get around to it just reply

    IGN Mr_awoogy

  47. Hey bax, i lol'd a few days ago when i got kicked from your game cause i was saying u hacked, i dont think the elite knew i was your friend lol.

  48. Hi Bax. I just wanted to say that I'm a long time fan and have learned a lot from your vids, especially in my early days in CA. Keep up the good work.

    IGN: Ewsentinel

  49. Hey bax. Me again! :)

    Thanks for answering my question on your sensitivity, appreciate it :). Good luck with your studies too!

    One last question though. If I were to get a perm, should I get the 74m or the m416 cqb? Both seem really nice!


  50. @Kevo
    Dude.....Forums.......There for a reson.
    If you spray CQb
    If you tap 74m

  51. Hey Bax i know that your Fem. based but over the past year of watching your vids ive relized that ur sound hearing skill's + reflexs + g36 pro you should make an alt and try doing some WOGL pubs they are ussaly in bravo 8.

  52. hey baxstar
    how come u dont review the m24 woodland?
    or the m6a2?

  53. hey look baxstar i wanna 1v1 and after i wanna be in a vid with u reveiw a gun??? :D

  54. Lol so many questions it's really hard to answer them all.

    @ Evan, I have played WOGL (at least WOGL pubs) on an alternate account. Never had the time to play during a season, but WOGL is pretty much the same difficulty as any normal game (for the most part). The fact that EVERYONE can't have amazing speed gear, equals the playing field so it doesn't matter about being as fast. Playing in normal pubs can be quite difficult as most good people are NX users and not WOGL players. WOGL is just something that is fun to play once in a while IMO.

    I believe that some weapons/gear should be restricted (do to easy abuse with them, such as coordinated RPG/LAW/Mine or M32 tactics, which is basically impossible to beat lol).

  55. Ok so for some other questions I'm just going to lay this out flat to try and answer more than one at a time here.

    The best AR in the game IMO is the G36E, not the G36C or KE or any other variant.

    The best SR in the game (IMO) is a tie between ANY TPG-1 variant, and DSR-1 variant, of course any other 1 Hit K.O SR is good too!

    The best SMG in the game (IMO) depends on your playing style. Either UMP, TMP, P90 TR [SE], PP-19, and MP7 MOD including any variants of those SMG's. Personally it's a tie for P90 TR SE and UMP 45 for me.

  56. Best MG is hard to say. For ones that aren't NX rare, either the MG36, or M21E.

    Melee... Lol, probably tracker knife or the Dom Pedro, and Ninjato.

  57. @ David

    G36c, the G36KE gets jammed ever since a patch REALLY long time ago.

    K5 SD or USP SE --> Hard to say, if I had to choose I'd go with USP SE but the K5 SD is really good too, depends on your aim and the situation.

    USP Tact or USP SE --> Lol, I dont think I need to answer this... but Tact.

    SG556 or L85 mod --> SG556, better accuracy and lower recoil. They both have about the same amount of spread so that doesn't matter to much (and fire rate). The L85 is a lot stronger but I'd hit the SG556 first.

  58. Hey Baxstar, Agenthshh here from CA, you may remember me from when you were on Scirca :)
    Anyways, thanks for your time on this question.
    So Nexon released this new sniper, the M1866, it has 95 points of damage, 35 ROF, (second only to M14EBR), and 100 accuracy. It seems to have a less than regular magnification though...I could be wrong.
    Do you think this sniper is worth getting for perm? I need a perm sniper and I have 30k NX. I don't think it's going to be good because although it has a crazy ROF and perfect accuracy, it's not always a 1 hit kill.
    I'm looking for a great all purpose, for long distances such as Kill Creek and even OMA Junk Flea.
    Would you personally recommend the TPG-1 Pro, DSR-1 Subsonic, or this new M1866? I know the TPG-1 Pro has a huge damage drop off and has low effective range, which is kind of a turnoff. Although it has a higher mag (not necessarily a good thing) and higher accuracy than the Subsonic, I feel like the Subsonic is just a better sniper overall. I'm personally leaning towards the Subsonic.
    What do you recommend Bax? I highly respect your opinion!
    Thanks for your time!

  59. Actually, you probably would have to use the M1866 to have an opinion, sorry for my foolishness. But if it does turn out to be pretty good, I may get it for perm.

  60. Hey Baxstar, I watched your most recent video, and I am pretty good at quick scoping but I cant jump around while doing it. Is their anyway that you could teach me or tell me how I could train? It is actually frusturating me. please reply

    IGN: pointblank20

  61. Baxstar.... If possible do BLOG mods. Lul.

  62. Baxstar, I need tips and tricks for the entire game cuz I suck could you help?

  63. @ Joseph
    He has many guides and tip videos.

  64. hi alex hey wht sever u play on.....i got the rec7 ranger for 20 days u wanne review it....btw...add me on fb =D

  65. baxstar could you do a review on the kriss spec ops i beleave it has the fastest killing time out of all the smg's and i haas a good recoil pattern (betta than the gp version.)

  66. hey i play combat arms can u add me my name is bebuchin add me plz so i can play 1 on 1 with u and i wanna review a gun with u i what to review the m4 super 90 perm and can u plz send me wepond review kit i need on plz ur the best player in combat arms greatfulled doesn't know how 2 play he stinks bad you play better then him because u have skills

  67. hey baxstar. its me hanate_ do you remember me? anyway lol, can you please redo the ak74m review? i love that gun sooo much i got it perm. and i dont think you did a good job with the one you made lol. sorry. but yeah hope you do it and i understand that you have school so you take your time making videos! :D

  68. I recommend you switch to a forum. Google search forum motion.


  69. Eh can you go 1v1 with meh? I want to see if I can beat you in a 1v1 Sniper Only match. You can pick any sniper you want and I will just use my L115A3.

  70. Also, my IGN is EvilLincoln2. I am making montages but don't have the time :O
    I got this one video of me getting a Unbelievable and yeah but I don't have the time to wait for it to upload. =_=

  71. bax what college are you at

    Im in residency at princeton for med

  72. hey, alex, i really want to study in medicine. lol
    btw @ wat time do u use to sleep during ur teenage? does that affect one's intelligence?

  73. hey baxstar.im CSM 1 kdr 1.51 can i join ur clan.

  74. @D-jordan93-3
    No. I think it is CPT or 1LT plus. Sorry.

  75. First of all, Baxstar I know how much you get flooded with answers. And as much as I know about weapons, or at least have SOME parts down of them, I have a dilemma that can't quite be solved.

    So is M6a2 Srt better than the M416 CQB?
    I've come to conclusions, that pretty much involve on the map and mood (Acog/Itech).

    I love the M6a2 Srt a lot, and Idk why, but I feel like the recoil increased, or I'm lagging even more.

    M416 CQB is an amazing AR, but the Itech really hurts me at times.

    But M6a2 Srt can be hard to tap for some reason.

    But pretty much, if I could tap perfectly, I wouldn't want use my M416 CQB so much.

    I do own both weapons for perm, but I can't quite decide.

    What do you think?

    Should I toughen it out and learn how to tap fire well? Or just go the M416 CQB, even though in the end M6a2 Srt MIGHT be slightly better?

  76. What smg kriss specops or mp7 mod or the p90 tr. i have some trouble picking.

  77. politicalstandpoint.blogspot.com

  78. hey bax, i going to get a perm SMG but i can't decide if i should get UMP45 or P90tr beacasue i am really good with the Ump but when ever i pick up the P90tr i go crazy good. So which one should i choose? Thanks for your time.

  79. P90tr got it for one day today 3.0 kdr ALL THE WAY REALLY!!!!

  80. hey...i was wondering wat gun to get perm...i have no clue on wat 1..plz add me ingame

    IGN= colcarter

  81. Hey bax, love your vidios xD
    I was just wondering since you didn't want to review the normal kriss, would you review my kriss spec-ops.? I would die for you and its a totally different gun. Add me in game if your interested. IGN: Cjdeath

  82. you should play and record with a camcorder so you can do it without lag and should do a black lung gameplay

  83. and @ cj_death_ftw
    the kriss is not good. just pick up a p90, pp-19,UMP or if lvl3 clan TMP

  84. Hey baxstar your my rollmodel on combat arms i love your vids think maby i can play with you sometime? my name is deathatkill also i was hoping you could teach me some stuff or make a vid with me in it so ye thanks if u can

  85. XD i just farted......i have to evacuate my room BTW Baxstar how does it feel like to be the most popular person on CA???

  86. hey bax what should i get a dsr subsonic or a tpg pro?

    oh and by the way i wanna play with you so i can still get the chance to teabag you!!!

  87. Oh and people, some answers like the Kriss SpecOps vs ____ ETC stuff CAN be found on the forumms. I just realized how flooded this placec is, and if it was easy to reply, I would gladly do so to lend a hand to Baxstar. But I recommend you guys go to the Nexon Forums and post your weapons there, or even click the search button to find it. But all in all, Baxstar seems VERY flooded atm, so Idk if an answer will ever come. Nexon Forums are full of a bunch of people who will answer well if you ask. So go there if you have a small weapon decision issue. But for other stuff, just hope Bax answers.

  88. BAXSTAR! I noticed that you dont have a review on the DSR-1 Tactical and i wanted you to review it! I have this alsome sniper if you would like to review it. Reply even if you dont want to review it so i will know! :P

    Or EMAIL me at MrMagicCA@hotmail.com ... Thanks!

  89. do a review on the new sniper m1886 sniper rifle

  90. Hey Bax, medical field huh? Good stuff. I'm going into that field too. How do you make time to play Combat Arms these days, with homework studying friends and a girlfriend to juggle? How early do you start studying for exams? If you could reply with some advice on how to juggle this game and coursework it would really help me on my way. Thanks! Keep making videos because you may not realize it but by posting your videos you really helped me gain the FPS skills I have today...you have no idea. Have a great rest of your day and good luck with everything!

  91. Is geometry better than Algebra I? Which did u do better in?



  94. BTW: like ur vids srry for caps
    ps: Im starting 2 get famous..
    plz check my vids
    youtube acc:socom928

  95. hey bax itll be good if u review the new m1886 sniper its pretty mad...

  96. and anyway wat servers do u play now i hve neva found u in game...

  97. hey bax why not review the new nx sniper rifle? the m1866! also wanna play elim pro sometime? im sure you dont remember me but im HDFlat

  98. baxstar plz lvl up like 00 exp to go...

  99. yinghuayang38 u retard its 8.4k exp learn to calculate b4 spamming 6 posts.

  100. Hey Baxstar you want anohter 90day usp tactical se...if u want add me my name is pronoob4567

  101. bax you should ask all your fans to gift you a gp item/gun (low rank) and see for how long you wil get it

  102. Heey there Bax I saw u like art!
    I'm a becoming artist studying it right now:)
    I'm dutch but perfectly speaking english, so now to get to the point of this comment. I was thinking about showing u some of my works and maybe u can show me some of ur drawings, wouldn't that be great? Well I really like ur vid and saw all of them so keep going and ur cool man just reply at this blog I will check it from time to time. By the way I noticed ur name is Alex too that's pretty awsome.

  103. hey,

    i watched a lote of your videos but i dont know wich second gun i would buy (nx) is the usp tactical se still your favorite ? ore another ?


  104. hi bax! me again... pls review the L96A1 Arctic Wolf cuz im mess up on wad sniper i should buy

  105. i dont know if youve seen my comment, but with this overflow of comments i doubt it. i would just like to know what time i could play you, if our times ever coincide.


  106. bax, u better make another post cuz this post has over a hundred comments... lol... so famous after some days after u re-least ur blog

  107. Hey Baxstar I know other people have said this but please review the M1886 for me. I want to know if I should buy it or not. Also please review it on a small map like Junk Flea or Death Room so I know how good it is. Thanks!

    P.S. Try no-scoping with it so I see how that works, because I do no-scope sometimes.

  108. Hey Baxstar i was wondering about this. I saw that new fireteam mode came unfortunatly i can't play combat arms anymore cuz my computer is too weak.I would like if posible that u sir make a gameplay about this new map /mode so i could see something new about it and what guns are good for it.i have 1 more question its a bit personal. Why did u left your clan HELLSinFIRE?
    Thank you for your time you dont need my ign cuz im on EU servers once again thank you for your time and i enjoy your every reviev :D

  109. hey baxstar. I'm a big fan, and friend of yours on facebook. My KDR good 2.72, but i never seen to get above 3.0 when i rush with smgs or shotties. However i am a condifident user of the assult rifles and snipers. Any tips. codofwar, sfc1, Luke Aladenika on facebook

  110. by the way, do you think the m4a1, all variants are underated because atm they the m4a1 gp is my favourite gun, along with g36e. Slighty higher reciol than m416, but you can still go full auto in scope, same spread, damage, accuracy and quicker draw and reload. Still i love the m416 and can't wait to rank up to msg.

  111. Hi baxstar, Im playing combatarms and I have do 3 video about me playing on a game but the quality was very low with the '' combatarms movie maker ''. So, wich program do you use to do your video on youtube?

  112. Hey Bax, love your vids u iz pro
    I was watching a rec7 review and there was a montage at the end of u getting an unbelievable ++ and i really enjoyed listening to the song and i like constantly play that one part over and over Lol
    It would be greatly appreciated if you could tell me what song it is :D

  113. Hello Baxstar, I apologize in advance for adding onto the wave of messages, but I couldn't resist asking what kind of music you are interested in. What instruments do you play, and who/what is your favourite band/artist? I currently play drums, guitar and attempt to sing (it's hard singing tenor parts as a baritone haha) and my favourite band is the Arcade Fire.


  114. Hey Baxstar! I really love ur videos and kinda need a little help quickscoping. I no a lot of ppl ask u to be there friend but if u teach me how to qs better than ill gift u something... i no it sounds kinda dumb but yah. btw my ign is Naked-Asian and btw if u even wanna teach me then u can just add me as a friend... i have 30k nx right now btw :D

  115. o and btw bax... can u add me on facebook? imma add u... my profile picture is a dog that says u got it babe.. add me so i can chat with u about ca

  116. haha i bet im annoying u now but i have an m14ebr in my inbox for 1 day... i havent tried it yet but i wanted to ask u if u wanted to go on my acc and use it... :D look at my other comments btw.. Ign: Naked-Asian

  117. Neurosurgeon? Cool!

    Hey, I think you should make some more videos about certain maps or how to play CA in general. Something besides gun reviews. For example, your Two Towers guides are my fav videos of yours.

  118. I now have a new favorite weapon!! Played with the M4A1 SOP MOD today in snowvalley when I picked it up and got my first ever Fantastic kill!!!! So Bax I looked up your review on it, sweet!! LOVE THAT GUN!

  119. This comment has been removed by the author.

  120. hey baxstar can u review m1866.Can u add me im CSM1 kdr 1.51 66%.i wont bother u ok please i just wanna see when u come online.IGN:D-jordan93-3. (u said u always get kick from games so try to tell your fans to gift you a elite or super elite to make your own rooms.

  121. Bax can you review g36e again??
    I know that many people know its good gun and everything but its just that the review is soo old and now with all the good guns around I want to know your opinion...

  122. hey baxstar, i want to get a sniper, but don't know which one to get.
    i am decent at quickscoping, but i won't pretend to be a pro. i am conflicted between the m-200 ghillie and the dsr-1 subsonic.
    i heard that the tpg-1 pro has REALLY bad damage dropoff at kill creek? is this true?
    plz reply soon cuz my nx credit is gonna run out any time now (prob in a week or so)

  123. Hey bax! You think you could review the m60e4 steel sometime soon if you get it from a myst-n. thanks :)

  124. btw, good luck on your midterms and stuff!
    i just had a chem AP test that's gonna determine whether i get an A or a B for the card marking...never been in that situation before :/

    anyway, good to know you still play CA once in a while. can't wait for your next review!
    btw, if you want to do a p90tr se pure gameplay, i have a 7-day p90tr se sitting in my inbox.

    ign: I-C-E-D

  125. ign cars4ever1 hope u accept my friend request

  126. Post a review on the new 1866 gun please :)

  127. Hey, Bax. If you're going for some sort of doctor, go for neurosurgeon. It's because studies show that neurosurgeons who DO play video games are more successful than those who DON'T. Google it.
    Anyways, good luck with your studies, don't get too distracted with Combat Arms. :P

  128. hi baxstar :]
    if you can make a gameplay video when you rank to major love to see you play :D
    also you can tell me what diffrent in the usp tackical se and the use se
    and what headphones you use?
    thanks :)

  129. hey bax,

    I was wondering if you were able to review the ACR Sandfire if/when you're not busy? If I recall correctly (from a review), someone gifted it to you and it's still in your inbox? I have some nx saved up, and from the many times I've picked it up, it seems to be a very good gun, in my hands =S (don't mean to brag)


  130. Well, at Christmas i'm probably getting a buttload of NX O_O. So, i was getting spec and a bunch of other stuff. Maybe you'd like to review the M32 around Christmas on my account?

    IGN: B3AR_HUGZ_2 (familiar huh?)

  131. Hey bax i was wondering if you would like to go on my account and review the DSR 1 TACTICAL?

  132. hey!! baxstar is me mmg123 i was wondering if you want to go in my accont and review the rpk mod i think..???

  133. i got a fs2000 tactical and idk if you reviewed it or not but if you haven't i would be glad to die for you

  134. @Max.Tidwell, the kriss IMO sucks.. But if you have ever tried the kriss specops you would know its a totally different gun, it also depends on which map your playing in. I use it for junk flea, death room, and other cqb maps.

  135. HEY Bax, I was wondering if I can join your clan?
    If you have any questions I'll be happy to
    answer them.... :) IGN: Socom928

  136. Hey Baxstar can i pla you in CA one day maybe in 2 days.
    P.S. can you also teach me to quick scope witha sniper.

  137. Hey Baxstar add me on facebook plz im 13 add me plz my name is Justin Hooker i love to play combat arms plz add me on facebook plz im wearing a green and white fox racing hat plz add me i really want to play with you on combat arms... plz add me...

  138. hey also add me on youtube plz my name on youtube is called "411Darkness"! plz

  139. What sniper should I get? Dont say TPG-1 Pro or Subsonic because I have those. I really want a Auto Sniper.

  140. hi baxstar

    i have a Little question. i want to buy a permanent weapon but i don't Know which i should buy.
    i think about ak-74m or g36e valkyrie.
    i can controll the recoil of the g36 pretty well, but i don't know which Gun is bettet. I'm sure that i can Play with both but yeah^^

    by the Way i am CSM2, KDR: 2.20

    and congratulations for your rank up to Major ;D

  141. Baxstar i think u are the best at combat arms i am viperand and i think u can go far in comebat arms and never stop :D

  142. @constihagner.ca_eu

    G36E valkyrie is a waste of money if you buy it perm IMO. Its the same as the normal GP variant.

    AK-74M is a spread you must control, else its useless.

    If you want low recoil and good portability, ( and decent damage ) I would take a M416 CQB.

    As Sniper, I would take an TPG-1 Pro.

    But thats just my opinion, hope you can stick something up from it.

  143. well thanks^^

    so i have the tpg-1 pro and m416cqb already perm :P
    but i Play in eu and there the gp g36 will come in 3 days so it is all right. thx for answer.

  144. Hey baxstar, 1 question. what ur sesitivity( dont care of spelling) and why?

  145. hey baxstar i need u to review a gun with me dude and how do u make ur videos add me in combat arms

    add bebuchin
