Monday, January 3, 2011

Back to School boys

I hope everyone had a good Holiday : ].

As I write this right now, I am about to head to Chemistry... so much for holiday break. I was pretty busy during the entire break, and now It's only going to escalate from here : (. The point of this post is such; I hope you enjoyed your holidays, and also I plan to make a new review soon enough, but please be informed I am seriously going to cut back on CA play time. I have to do well in school and I can't let a video game get in the way. I sincerely hope everyone who reads this will follow my advice, because it's pretty important. I know for a fact I am going to have trouble sticking to my own advice, but it must be done lol : [. It's nice to take a break and play some FPS and pwn some noobs, but it won't get you a job or pay for your bills ; ).

Have a great year everyone. I really hope this is a good year for me, for you, and especially CA. :D.


  1. NOOOOO, dont even think about leaving CA.. the other review Fallenhobo left CA and i am stilling QQing about that

  2. Actually it MIGHT get your a job and pay your bills! Play CA professional! Like a lot of people on Counter Strike!

  3. CA will NEVER have a professional community. Besides, from what I can see bax just enjoys pubstarring much more than competitive gameplay.

  4. Make A Donate Button Tru Paypal!!! We will pay your bills!!! just work full time on CA :)

  5. lol@kike96.

    Bax your head is in the right place, I'm hoping to achieve that mindset for my next semester. Long time watcher, First time commenter ;] keep it up BigGuy

  6. uve done wat i cant do XD
    but im 14 so it dont matter yet
    bad grammer FTW
    ING teeto135

  7. :S I should take such advice, been telling myself to stop playing CA and start doing some college work for ages.

  8. hey baxstar i really want to play with u in the combat arms my name is deepmysterio in the game THANKS!!!!!!!!!!!

  9. PLEASE review that R870 MCS i gifted you bax. from antonicuslee
    and i really wanna play with you ingame :) add me pl0x

  10. go to

    for free nx, I made 90k so far and if you like an offer, you can do it over and over again

  11. hey bax ima big fan and i was just wandering if youd do a review for raven
    i think i have it and can give you my acc for a dy to review it
    i hope you read this
    gophermonkey :-))))))))))

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hey Baxstar, I am a fan of your reviews(probably obvious). I just watched your M417 SB review and one of your comments caught my attention; the one about putting the scope on other guns. I have had a suggestion thread on CA forums for a while, and if you could endorse it it might get more attention.. providing you read it and like it. Anyways, no rush. I can post the link if you are interested. My email and IGN are both sharxbyte, as well as my CA forum ID.

    have fun in class!

  15. (And sorry for the deletes... I need to learn to spellcheck/proofread BEFORE I post xD)

  16. Hey Baxstar, Sorry Again For The Lag Kill - Kique1996

  17. Heyy Baxstar can youu makee a video with tipss on the g36e or can you add me&just show me some tips on the game well thank you i hope you help me get better.

  18. @ivan

    Bax already made a vid on Tap-firing the G36

    If you want tips, watch his gameplay and tips videos. Hes made a few.

  19. Hey bax,just wanted to say let us know when you get back to CA. I'd like to play a match with you one time or another. ign cloud3234 thnx for the reviews. i got my tpg1 pro cause of the review. quick question though. The 5 weapons i have are the g36e valk perm,UMP45 perm,and tpg1 pro perm. Along with a 90day sopmod i use always and constantly put renewal kits on and an l96a1 holiday wolf for 90days. i was just wandering what your thoughts are on the holiday wolf?

  20. I take this post as a good news bad news moment. Wish I could help you with anything but I wanna try to commentate but its so hard. You wanna help out please? and I watch your vids for inspiration.
    Never Quit CA,
    -i know it says Nich on top

  21. baxstar, i play combat arms and can you add me? i really need some help with my skills... i suck honestly. anyways how can u tell wether or not your fps dropped or whatever? im not a computer geek

  22. oh and my username is c-h-u-r-r-o

  23. Hey Baxstar can you add me plz my IGN is TsoiMaster24

  24. Thank you for the advice Baxstar.

  25. Hmm, bax congrats on MAJ and when you get on you should come play a few games with the -evolution- guys along with the up and coming reviewer gdb5(currently Zeo-, soon to be EvN-Mystic)

  26. Look, bax. I am frikin sick of u feeling guilty of yourself for not making reviews or not being on CA or w/e. I mean u do what u gotta do. You've already inspired and helped lots of people on this game. you've done good enough not that I want u to quit but relax for sometime and do something else. I don't no how long you've been doing this YouTube making to prove you don't hack which you don't. I'd like you to take a break of doing CA and do something or spend more time with family and friends instead of doing of being on the computer so you like relax from test and college (I am guessing) and have more fun so you don't rush n' stuff. Chris- Killer Ty.

  27. i agree with larcrr. you've help a lot with everything and the few guns you haven't reviewed honestly aren't that good anyways. we know u have a life outside of CA,no one is gonna get mad at u for a taking a few weeks off here and there
