Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Just kidding.

But seriously, I'm done exams finally :D. Way less pressure, worry, and strain on me now, feels good. Hopefully I can put out more videos in the summer for you guys : ).


  1. hey can u put up some minecraft videos if u have time and where the hell are u in CA! can't find u...

  2. Can i get a response now? lol anyways, i was wondering if you could tell (next CA video maybe?) that im also doing reviews. Da Asian Baxstar as my friends say lol. but yeah just a question no need to. And i would like to learn how to play better personally from you? so if we can play some other time? (im a sniper btw ex: quickscope, no scope, etc.) IGN: ALI1990 ty!

  3. u are one of my favorite reviewer's im a long time subscriber to u iv watched all your video's at least twice and i was wondering are there any guns u recommend to put silencer's on?

  4. Awesome dude. Do you think you did good. Hope so. My finals aren't until May and I got a lot of stuff to review...

  5. Now would be a great time to set up some matches with your fans! lol

  6. dear Baxstar
    1) love ur minecraft vidz and the singleplayer vidz never got old....i actualy bought it wen u made vids of it lol its reaally fun.
    2) u shud make a fan based server only 4 u and all of ur fanz....that wud b awesome
    3) how did u get the perm e-mod?
    4) do you think that the new map from the map making contest is a good one by the looks of it?


  7. e-mod comes with Major 2 rank.

  8. hey baxstar do a review on the m590 cqb you unlocked it at captain 5.
    it is different to the m590 mariners/military
    also it is my favourite shotgun.
    m4 super 90 is op

  9. hey bax. i just want to tell u that i love ur ca and minecraft videos. i was wondering if u could maybe help me and teach me personaly to be good like u because im not that good my kdr is 0.59 and my alt's is 0.75 sooo maybe u could teach me at short fuse. my account's names r Arsarin15(alt) and AERO15(main)and i have some vids and im corndogdude14

    p.s.:dont look at oil rig gameplay or sniper awesomeness i did horrible on thoses

  10. great player and good videos of ca
    congratulation alex

  11. baxstar what's your minecraft world seed? plz answer ty

  12. Hey Baxstar! I am your fellow slave in CA. xD. i was wondering if you can play with me sometimes?????

  13. Congrats, man. We should play some time?
    IGN - CroOKEd89

  14. hey baxstar whats up buddy i am Mtamer that is my character in CA i was wondering if you would like to review my desert eagle SE if you want just ask me but add me on you messager box so i can have a little chat or just a chat in somewhere else lol baxstar are you sure that the clan baxfanboy club is a good enough clan for you you should join a better one join Manicakillas clan it's level 3 and you will love the clan it's got me and my friend Ten9ch in it i really would like it if you join cause i got a good feeling your going to help us rank up or unless you just want to stay in that clan cause i don't really think they are leveling up pretty good so just stay good and stay safe in the combat arms and when you are sniping how can you tell that it's the spot on the middle of the aimmer how can you tell it's aiming right? just comment me or just message me on youtube or yahoo my yahoo is just add me and we can have a nice talk so just leave something for me your greatest fan ever yet Mtamer oh and add me on facebook it's Tsukune Aono or just use my email to search for me. oh and follow me on my blog too it's so you can post some things

  15. no it's the clan called Maniackillas

  16. Hey bax, back when i was i think a Sargent or lower i think and i played a game against you...had no idea who you were, it was snow valley elim and i knew nothing, was brand new and i did pretty well, went 10 and 23, gosh that was fun...killed you once with m24. Idk why i'm telling you this, but you were a lieutenant and my char name is nazamaki...keep going man.

  17. Hey baxstar can u add me from combat arms... my name is x3candykillz?

  18. can you tell me your formulations of game? please

  19. baxstar is getting raped by offence to ppl with comments

  20. sup bax remember me and hyph from a couple days a go ya it was fu n u should make mor mincraft smp vids they are cool and funny lol rubric cube i am i big fan but ya srry aboght the game it is just i was surprised add me ign:River2Kill

  21. Hey Bro, i would like to join you in a game soon just contact me in email:

  22. i remember you got a scorpions pp19 mod in one of you videos and u said you would review that soon enough so where is the review?

  23. i have created a blog cause i am a fan of Baxstar is my blog i will make a youtube account and show you my horrible gameplay so you guys can write comments giving me tips

  24. Hey everyone that plays for combat arms if you want some guns interviewed that baxstar doesn't want to review cause he doesn't like the gun and it's no good just go add me i am on my blog my blog wed is just go to my blog and then add me on combat arms my username is Mtamer just add me and then gift me the weapons you want to have me review and then i will get on to that

  25. or add me on yahoo at

  26. Four things to love about Canadians/Canada
    1.Canadian Bacon.
    2.The stereotypical "eh" sentence ending never gets old.
    3.Canadians apparently are very intellectual.
    4.Baxstar, Scirca, and others dominate the world of Combat Arms.

  27. hey, bax if u want to do a review on the the tpg 1 master i have it for like 70 more days contact me if you do.

  28. Hey Baxstar can i play you sometime? my friends say that i suck and i wanna try to play someone really good. Please respond through Combatarms chat. my user name is gldfshrcul. Thank you.

  29. Just bought the Desert eagle SE perm... FML

  30. bax , i vsed u once in a snow valley game 1 week ago i dont know if u remember but the score was 31-16 for me and urs was 31-15 i screenshoted it and recorded :)

  31. hey bax i am 1 of your million subscribers and i found this beastly song that you should use in one of your reviews heres the url

  32. lol should i keep saving up gp im a cpl and i hav 16k gp shuld i keep getting gp?

  33. and im talking about combat arms

  34. Baxstar. Ever considered playing Quarantine?

  35. please make 2 new vids for ur fans i'm one of them :3
    could u please make an quarantine regen video of how u play quarantine regen :)
    and could u also do an review of the m1866 sniper rifle:)? thank you :D

  36. hey baxstar Its me again from fb Danny Nguyen and Thechaosdanny from youtube. umm idk which comment or message u will get first but keep up the good work and add me in game. on combat arms. IGN- Asiainvadeya

  37. hi Baxstar, I would like to play with/against u on CA. my name (CA): skyroller
    just add me and tell me when u have time,
    I'll be waiting for ya!!
