Monday, November 8, 2010

Gah, time restraints

I'm not sure when the next video will come out guys. I'm really tied up with school and I haven't even played CA in a while, I bet my clan thinks I'm dead lol. I have actually been gifted the M1866, so that's good news! I'll be reviewing it ASAP along with the rank up video. As of now though, I've got a lot of crap hitting me this week, and even next week (which will be easier to do a video then). I'm also more behind on my studies than probably 90% of the other students in my program, so I have to cram for a bunch of stuff : (.

If I had the time, I'd make more videos lol =[. Just letting you all know here, since it's easier to keep track.

I know I'm going to get asked this, so here's the answer. Question: Bax, when is your next video going to be then? Answer: I don't know. Low chance it'll be this week (maybe 15%? Depends if I procrastinate badly one day and squeeze in a video) and high chance it'll be next week (maybe 90% chance).


  1. Hi Baxstar,
    first of all i really want to thank you for your amazing reviews and really entertaining videos. Actually I want to ask you if it is possible that you make a small shout-out in your next video, so that people go on the official Combat Arms Europe and support it. Cause I think if we reach 200.000 we´ll have the same Event just like you guys in America and Canada. It would be really cool if you can do it and good luck for school.

    greetings from Germany

  2. Hello Baxstar,
    I am a big fan yours,
    all your videos are really cool.
    Do not wait to see you post your next video.
    Even more
    From Brazil
    o / :D

  3. yo baxstar like i said i saw what you posted to me but man you would be amazed at what i can do just throw me some problems and ill attempt to solve them or throw me your notes and ill organize or create a donation drive and see if you can get some money for an electronic notebook (the name escapes me at the moment) but i can help a million more than you think (and im not sayin this because i want reviews im sayin it because i use to have the problems till i started writing my notes in a binder)
    (btw this is khaoticassault)

  4. btw my mom and i were wondering what science you study because im better in computer and physical science but i can still do all the scieces very easily (ive been taking some $180/day college classes for a couple weeks now)
    (again KhaoticAssault)

  5. Hello Baxstar, I apologize in advance for adding onto the wave of messages, but I couldn't resist asking what kind of music you are interested in. What instruments do you play, and who/what is your favourite band/artist? I currently play drums, guitar and attempt to sing (it's hard singing tenor parts as a baritone haha) and my favourite band is the Arcade Fire.


  6. hi, i was wondering for a spec, what 2 spec weapons should i get that are the best overall?

  7. um hello im big fan o urs and your reviews help me decide which perms 2 get (i know have 4 ;-))
    so yah im gettng 30,000 nx soon and i want a sniper with the accuracy of a m24 but the power of a tpg plus that is rather noobish cause i rlly suck at the game i just play 4 fun.
    pm in game @ ilovecheese3 many thanks ~cheese

  8. Alex take care of school first.If ppl like you that much they will understand and wait so dw ;)
    (also im sure many of you agree with me heh)

  9. Hey Bax i really love you videos, they help me decide what nx guns to get.

    I was just think you should have a game for fans sometime soon. I think it would be fun. Thanks

  10. I forgot my IGN is Thebigfish let me know.

  11. I play Piano, drum set, flute, and alot of other instruments as well like clarinet, alto sax, trombone and others.

    But I honestly can't say what my favourite band is. I listen to pretty much everything. I like a lot of the mainstream stuff, but also a lot of non-mainstream music.

    I guess if i had to pick though... Well I haven't listened to them actually in quite a while, but I pretty much know every lyric of every song ever made by Linkin Park just because pretty much all the songs are really good. There are some I don't really like, but i still know the lyrics to them.

    And @you, maybe I'll throw a question on here sometime and you can try to solve it lol.

  12. And I will be posting times when I'll play for my fans, I've done it before and I can do it again : ].

  13. When you play in game do you ever use vivox to chat? Or do you only use vent with exclusive friends?

  14. Hey Bax. Amazing Vids & Blogs :D Keep it going luv you man

    Btw. if you can add me plz do so we should hit up a few games one day

  15. Hey Bax, don't play on around christmas time, if you haven't heard/ dont know, there's gonna be a bunch of hacks given out for free around christmas, so opkers galore.

  16. Hey Bax, Huge fan of ur reviews.
    Hey, I was wonderin, do u want me to gift u a M1866 so u could review it?

    My IGN is Murderer145 so add me and chat me if u want.

  17. Take as much time as ya can with your Vids Bax
    Their informative either they are late or early.
    And one more question to add to massive list of uhmmm questions
    "What is your sensitivity?" Been bugging me :)
    Please don't spam my IGN "DON'TBUGME"

  18. hey bax go on soon so I can play a two towers match with you :D

  19. @Ethan, I was already gifted the M1866! Read my POST! Did you even read it before writing something? =\.

    I was already gifted one, and I really don't need another one, but ty for the ofer.

  20. btw I think u should get and sr25 review! love ur vids bax

  21. hey bax can u do a review on the mie'smp7? i can let u go on my account if u want. btw eney one need a clan? join dr.ofELEPHANTS and add me- ign drAdam

  22. Hey Bax,
    Fellow Combat Arms player here just wondering that if i bought a sniper between the M1866 or m24a3, what would you reccomend?

  23. hey baxstar. its me hanate_ do you remember me? anyway lol, can you please redo the ak74m review? i love that gun sooo much i got it perm. and i dont think you did a good job with the one you made lol. sorry. but yeah hope you do it and i understand that you have school so you take your time making videos! :D

  24. adam.banks, what level is the clan?

  25. hi, i was wondering for a spec, what 2 spec weapons should i get that are the best overall?

  26. Hi! I'm a big fan and asking for a little advice for a second. Ok... Is it better just to get a high rank, then work on K.D.R?

  27. yo, which sniper should I get? l9 arctic wolf or tpg 1 pro, I'm a quickscoper.

  28. @Jack, I may not be Bax, but I highly recommend the Tpg-1 Pro. that gun is better then the l9 arctic in all levels ;)

  29. Hey Bax I'm a really big fan ive watched all you videos over and over again 200 times each!So tell me if you need anything and i will do it for you For Christmas i will hand in so many 90 day items they will go off the charts! my IGN is SukmiGunz

  30. Hey Baxstar, not trying to rush you. But can you try get the M1866 review before you cant get it permanent(16th Nov i think....), Just so people can still get it after your review. :D Thx


  31. Bxstar, can you tell us ur PC specs and what accesories u have? like mouse. I know u mentioned in a vid that ur razer copperhead broke.

  32. I feel you on juggling CA and I'm also a college student and it can be Really time consuming, what do you do to stop playing and study? I guess I just don't have the will power haha. Alot of your tips helped me out and improved my skills. Until recently I didn't realize how much your mouse and keyboard can affect the game, I was using a wireless setup and switching to wired made a big difference, what do you think is the optimal mouse and keyboard? which ones do you use?

  33. hey bax, i am awaiting your review with great eagerness. i listen to linkin park too, only that i only know all the lyrics to in the end, what do you think about the new "catalyst" song? i didnt like it as much as thei older songs, though it does have an addictiveness to it. i am still looking forward todoing a 1 vs 1 against you >:D what kind of art do you enjoy most?, im doing a 1st grade art cours,(lately im very uninspired) i wanted to see if one day we could share art, and if not, i would just like you to give your opinion in mine. thank you for listening to me


  34. Hey guys,

    I am planning to buy a per gun.
    it's going to be one of these but i don't know wich one to choose (i am a smal-map player).
    - m416 cqb
    - m6a2 srt
    - rec 7

    help me

  35. if you like low recoil and fast fire rate the m416 cqb , thats the one i would choose,

    ign: killerlollie

  36. yo baxstar if u wanna do a review on the nxr f2000?
    ffriend me on ca ign SqUiDWerd. if not pm me on youtube. PLZ RESPOND QUIKLY I BOUGHT A NAME CHANGE AND I CANT CHANGE IT TILL I HEAR FROM U!!!

  37. Hey. Im going to get some NX on Christmas, and I am getting Spec, M32, And turrets all for 30 days. Would you like to review M32 around X-mas? Might have to do it on my account. IGN: B3AR_HUGZ_2

  38. Is it better to rank up then worry about your K.D.R? Big Fan...


  39. Please add me. My name is Dragon-Magic. I want to know what is better for which situation. DSR-1 Subsonic and TPG-1 Pro. Please tell me.

  40. Tpg is better for long range!! but it works almost like the dsr! so it covers it all!! get teh tpg!!!

  41. And btw Bax! Can you add clothes and apparel stuff to mercs?? I don't whanna waste nx to figure out so i quess you might know :P


  43. Hey bax, whats your sensitivity?
